A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


I - Static variable in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
id - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadElement
Thread element ID
image - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpAnimatedImage.AnimationFrame
Image to draw
image - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Image for draw in a swing component
image - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Image draw on the sprite
image - Variable in class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Image to draw
imageMain - Variable in class jhelp.util.samples.font.gui.JHelpFontSampleFrame
Image that draw the text
imagePart - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpAnimatedImage.AnimationFrame
Zone of the image
images - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.GIF
Images contains in the GIF
IMAGES_READERS - Static variable in class jhelp.util.io.FileImageInformation
JVM known readers
imageToRefresh - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpAnimatedImage
Image where draw the animation
imaginary - Variable in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Complex imaginary part : b in a + i b
increment - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.QueuePriority.CompatorElement
Increment order multiplier
inDelivery - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandlerTest
index - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpAnimatedImage
Actual frame index
index - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Read index
index - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.IndexedInputStream
Actual index
index - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.IntegerArrayInputStream
Read index in array
index - Variable in class jhelp.util.text.StringCutter
Current read index
index - Variable in class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractor
Current read index
IndexedInputStream - Class in jhelp.util.io
Input stream that you can know the reading index (Number of bytes actually read) at any time
IndexedInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.io.IndexedInputStream
Create a new instance of IndexedInputStream
indexOf(Object) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ListFromArray
Compute index of an element

Parent documentation:
indexOf(TYPE) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Get an element index or -1 if not present
indexOf(CharSequence, char...) - Static method in class jhelp.util.text.UtilText
Compute the first index in the char sequence of one of given characters
indexOf(CharSequence, int, char...) - Static method in class jhelp.util.text.UtilText
Compute the first index >= at the given offset in the char sequence of one of given characters
indexOf(String[], String) - Static method in class jhelp.util.text.UtilText
Index of a string in string array
indexOf(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.Utilities
Compute index of byte array inside an other byt array
indexOf(char[], char) - Static method in class jhelp.util.Utilities
Obtain a character index inside a character array.
indexOf(T[], T) - Static method in class jhelp.util.Utilities
Index of an element inside an array
indexOfIgnoreString(String, char) - Static method in class jhelp.util.text.UtilText
Compute the index of a character in a string on ignoring characters between " or ' an in ignore characters with \ just before them
indexOfIgnoreStrings(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class jhelp.util.text.UtilText
Give index of a string inside an other one on ignoring characters bettwen string delimiters.
INET_ADDRESS - Static variable in class jhelp.util.commands.LinuxCommandsProvider
INET_ADDRESS_LENGTH - Static variable in class jhelp.util.commands.LinuxCommandsProvider
info - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.Color
Additional information
information - Variable in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Filter informations
information - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Carried information
INGNORE - Static variable in class jhelp.util.commands.LinuxCommandsProvider
initialiazeForCodeCoverage() - Static method in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIOTest
Initialize directories for code coverage
initialize() - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.JHelpClassLoader
Initialize the loader
initializeGUI() - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Initialize GUI with operating system skin, call it before create any frame
initializePaint(int, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Initialize the paint before fill a shape

Parent documentation:
Initialize the shape.
initializePaint(int, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradientHorizontal
Called when the gradient is about to be used

Parent documentation:
Initialize the shape.
initializePaint(int, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradientVertical
Called when the gradient is about to be used

Parent documentation:
Initialize the shape.
initializePaint(int, int) - Method in interface jhelp.util.gui.JHelpPaint
Initialize the shape.
inMicroseconds() - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Total of microseconds
inMilliseconds() - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Total of milliseconds
inputStream - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64InputStream
Stream to read
inputStream - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.IndexedInputStream
Stream to read
inputStream - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.InputStreamCopy
Stream to read
InputStreamCopy - Class in jhelp.util.io
Input stream that write what it reads in output stream at same time

Last modification : 15 sept. 2010
Version 0.0.0
InputStreamCopy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.io.InputStreamCopy
Constructs InputStreamCopy
inQueue(TYPE) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Queue
Add element at the end of the queue
inQueue(Element) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.QueueSynchronized
In queue an element
insert(int, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Insert an integer to a given index
insertIn(TYPE) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Compute the index where insert an element.
integer - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIOTest.TestBinarizable
IntegerArrayInputStream - Class in jhelp.util.io
Stream for read an array of integer

Last modification : 8 mai 2010
Version 0.0.0
IntegerArrayInputStream(int[]) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.io.IntegerArrayInputStream
Constructs IntegerArrayInputStream
internalAdd(ThreadElement<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadManager
Adding a task internally.
internalInputStream - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Internal input stream for read the stream
internalOutputStream - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Internal output stream for write
internalThread - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandler
Internal thread
interpolationExponential(double) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Compute exponential interpolation.
interpolationLogarithm(double) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Compute logarithm interpolation.
interpolationSinus(double) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Compute sinus interpolation.
interpretAntiSlash(String) - Static method in class jhelp.util.text.UtilText
Replace character that follow an \ by it's symbol : \n by carriage return, \t by tabulation and \<other> by <other>
intervalOf(TYPE) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Compute interval index where should be insert a given element.
INVALID - Static variable in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Invalid rational.
invalidate(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.Conditions
Invalidate a condition.
inverse() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Inverse the rational
invert() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Complex invert
invertColor(Color) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilImage
Invert a color
invertColors() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Invert image colors
MUST be on draw mode
invertUV() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Invert U and V parts
MUST be on draw mode
INVISIBLE_CURSOR - Static variable in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Invisible cursor
invokePublicMethod(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class jhelp.util.reflection.Reflector
Invoke a public method from a class.
invokePublicMethod(Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class jhelp.util.reflection.Reflector
Invoke a public method form a class represents by its instance.
isAcceptDirectory() - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Indicates if directories are accepted
isAlive() - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandler
Indicates if the handler still alive and can be used
isAlive() - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadElement
Indicates if the element still alive
isAnExtentionFiltered(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Indicates if an extention is filter
isBinaryOperator(char) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Function
Indicates if a character is binary operator
isBold() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Indicates if font is bold
isConstantDefine(String) - Method in interface jhelp.util.math.formal.ConstantsReferences
Indicates is a symbol is a define constant
isConstantDefine(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.ConstantsReferencesDefault
Indicate if constants is define
isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JavaFileSelection
Indicates if flavor is supported
isDrawMode() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Indicates if we are in draw mode
isElementSearched(INFO) - Method in interface jhelp.util.list.Tree.TestFoundListener
Called to test if an information is the searched one
isEmpty() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Indicates if array is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ListFromArray
Indicates if list is empty

Parent documentation:
isEmpty() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Queue
Indicates if queue is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.QueuePriority
Indicates if queue is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.QueueSynchronized
Indicates if the queue is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Ring
Indicates if ring is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Indicates if array is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.StackInt
Indicates if stack is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ThrowSet
Indicates if set is empty
isFileListStore() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.ClipBoardManager
Indicates if clip board contains a file list
isFiltered(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Indicates if a file is filter
isFinish() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.IndexedInputStream
Indicates if we are at the end of the stream
isFree() - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadActor
Indicates if the thread have nothing to do
isImaginaryPure() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Indicates if the complex is imaginary pure.
isInGroup(User, String) - Method in class jhelp.util.post.PostOffice
Indicates if a user is in a group
isInherit(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class jhelp.util.reflection.Reflector
Indicates if a class extends an other one
isInteger() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Indicates if rational can be see as integer.
isItalic() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Indicates if font is italic
isLeaf() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Indicates if the tree is a leaf.
isLocked - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandler
Indicates if lock is on or off
isLocked - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.Mutex
Indicates if mutex already locked
isMinusOne() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Indicates if the constant is -1
isModifiable() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ListFromArray
Indicates if it is allowed to modify elements inside the list throw ListFromArray.set(int, Object) method
isNear(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.Color
Indicates if 2 colors are similar
isNear(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.Color
Indicates if 2 colors are similar
isNear(Color, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.Color
Indicates if a color is similar to this color
isNegative() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Indicates if constants is < 0
isNegative() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Indicates if rational is strictly negative
isNul() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Indicates if the complex is zero
isNul() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Indicates if the constant is 0
isNul(double) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Indicates if a double is zero
isOne() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Indicates if the constant is 1
isPositive() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Indicates if constants is > 0
isPositive() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Indicates if rational is strictly positive
isReal() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Indicates if the complex is a real.
isRealValueNumber() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.BinaryOperator
Indicates if function can see as real number, that is to say that the value of BinaryOperator.obtainRealValueNumber() as as meaning
isRealValueNumber() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Indicates if function can see as real number, that is to say that the value of Constant.obtainRealValueNumber() as as meaning
isRealValueNumber() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Function
Indicates if function can see as real number, that is to say that the value of Function.obtainRealValueNumber() as as meaning
isRealValueNumber() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.UnaryOperator
Indicates if function can see as real number, that is to say that the value of UnaryOperator.obtainRealValueNumber() as as meaning
isRealValueNumber() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Variable
Indicates if function can see as real number, that is to say that the value of Variable.obtainRealValueNumber() as as meaning
isRegisteredUser(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.post.PostOffice
Indicates if a user is registered
isSelected() - Method in class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Indicates if label is selected
isSortedFast() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Indicates if array is sorted.
isSortedSlow() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Indicates if array is sorted.
isStringStore() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.ClipBoardManager
Indicates if clip board contains a string
isSubTypeOf(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class jhelp.util.reflection.Reflector
Indicates if a class extends or implements directly or not a class or a interface
isUndefined() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Indicates if the constant is undefined
isUnderline() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Underline status
isUnique() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Indicates if array is in unique mode
isUsable() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.GIF
Indicates if this instance can be use.
isValid(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.Conditions
Indicates if a condition is valid
isVirtualLink(File) - Static method in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIO
Indicates if a file is a virtual link.
isVisible() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Indicates if sprite is visible
iterator - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationIterator
Base iterator
iterator() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationIterator
iterator - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationListIterator
Base iterator
iterator() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationListIterator
iterator() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ListFromArray
Create iterator over the list

Parent documentation:
iterator() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Compute iterator over the list

Parent documentation: