A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


main(String[]) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.UseExample
Launch the example
main(String[]) - Static method in class jhelp.util.samples.font.JHelpFontSample
Launch font size and text alignment sample
mainMarkup - Variable in class jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesParser
Indicates if we wait first main markup
MANAGER - Static variable in class jhelp.util.thread.WaitingManager
Waiter manager singleton instance
mark(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64InputStream
Mark current position

Parent documentation:
mark(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray.InternalInputStream
Mark actual read position

Parent documentation:
mark - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Actual mark
mark() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Mark current read position
mark(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.InputStreamCopy
Mark aren't manage here, so do nothing
mark(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.StringInputStream
Mark current reading position

Parent documentation:
markSupported() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64InputStream
Indicates if mark is supported

Parent documentation:
markSupported() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray.InternalInputStream
Indicates if mark are supported

Parent documentation:
markSupported() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.InputStreamCopy
Mark aren't manage, so not supported
markSupported() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.StringInputStream
Indicates if mark are supported

Parent documentation:
MARKUP_PREFERENCE - Static variable in interface jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesFileConstants
Markup use for one preference
MARKUP_PREFERENCES - Static variable in interface jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesFileConstants
Main markup to encapsulate all preferences
MARKUP_TEXT - Static variable in class jhelp.util.resources.ParserXMLText
Markup "Text" where describes the association key<->text
markups - Variable in class jhelp.util.xml.DynamicWriteXML
Current stack of markups
mask - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpTextLine
Mask to use
max(double...) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Maximum of several double
maximum(JHelpImage) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Take the maximum between this image and given one
Note : if the given image is not in draw mode, all of it's visible sprite will be consider like a part of the given image
Given image MUST have same dimension of this
MUST be in draw mode
maximum - Variable in class jhelp.util.math.random.JHelpRandom.Limit
Maximum value
maximum - Variable in class jhelp.util.math.random.JHelpRandom
Actual maximum
MAXIMUM_WAIT - Static variable in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadManager
Maximum time to wait a new free thread/task to do , before check.
maxIntegers(int...) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Maximum of several integers
MEGA_BYTES - Static variable in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIO
One mega-byte in bytes
memoryImageSource - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Image source
MemorySweeper - Class in jhelp.util
Clear the memory with regular time
MemorySweeper() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.MemorySweeper
To avoid someone instantiate it
MemorySweeper.Sweeper - Class in jhelp.util
Do the cleaning in its own thread
MemorySweeper.Sweeper() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.MemorySweeper.Sweeper
mesageId - Variable in class jhelp.util.post.Message
Message ID
Message - Class in jhelp.util.post
Message description
Message(int, String, Object) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.post.Message
Create a new instance of Message
message - Variable in class jhelp.util.post.Message
Message itself
messageArrived(MESSAGE) - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandler
Called when a message arrived.
messageArrived(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandlerTest
MessageHandler<MESSAGE> - Class in jhelp.util.thread
Handler of messages.
MessageHandler() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandler
Create a new instance of MessageHandler
MessageHandler.Message<ELEMENT> - Class in jhelp.util.thread
A message
MessageHandler.Message(long, ELEMENT) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandler.Message
Create a new instance of Message
MessageHandlerTest - Class in jhelp.util.thread
MessageHandlerTest() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandlerTest
microsecond - Variable in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Microsecond part
microseconds - Variable in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Total of microseconds
middle(JHelpImage) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Take the middle between this image and given one
Note : if the given image is not in draw mode, all of it's visible sprite will be consider like a part of the given image
Given image MUST have same dimension of this
MUST be in draw mode
middle(Rational, Rational) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Compute the rational just in the middle of 2 other rational
millisecond - Variable in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Millisecond part
min(double...) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Minimum of several double
minimum(JHelpImage) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Take the minimum between this image and given one
Note : if the given image is not in draw mode, all of it's visible sprite will be consider like a part of the given image
Given image MUST have same dimension of this
MUST be in draw mode
MINIMUM_REPEAT - Static variable in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadManager
Minimum time between repeat (Never put under 1)
MINIMUM_WAIT - Static variable in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadManager
Minimum time before do an action (The meaning of "as soon as possible") (never put under 1)
minIntegers(int...) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Minimum of several integers
MINUS_I - Static variable in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
MINUS_ONE - Static variable in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
MINUS_ONE - Static variable in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
MINUS_ONE - Static variable in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
-1 rational
MinusUnary - Class in jhelp.util.math.formal
Minus unary
It take the opposite a => -a
MinusUnary(Function) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary
Constructs the minus unary
MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier - Class in jhelp.util.math.formal
Minus unary simplifier
MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
minusUnarySimplifier - Variable in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary
Minus unary simplifier
minute - Variable in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
modifiable - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.ListFromArray
Indicates if modify an element is allowed
modulo(double, double) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Compute the modulo of a real
modulo(int, int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Mathematical modulo.
modulo(long, long) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Mathematical modulo.
moduloInterval(double, double, double) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Modulate a real inside an interval
MOINS_UN_PUISSANCE(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Give the -1n constant
multipleDePi() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Return the constant divide by Pi
Multiplication - Class in jhelp.util.math.formal

Multiplication(Function, Function) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication
Constructs the multiplication
Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier - Class in jhelp.util.math.formal
Multiplication simplifier
Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
multiplicationSimplifier - Variable in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication
Multiplication simplifier
multiply(JHelpImage) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Multiply the image with an other one
Note : if the given image is not in draw mode, all of it's visible sprite will be consider like a part of the given image
Given image MUST have same dimension of this
MUST be in draw mode
multiply(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Multiply 2 complex
multiply(Complex) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Multiply the complex by an other one
multiply(Rational, Rational) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Multiply 2 rational
multiply(Rational) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Multiply an other rational
multiply(LapsTime, int, LapsTime) - Static method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Multiply by a factor.
mutex - Variable in class jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesSerializer
Lock for synchronization
mutex - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.Conditions
Mutex for synchronized
mutex - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandler
Mutex for exclusive access
mutex - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.MessageHandlerTest
Mutex - Class in jhelp.util.thread
Mutex (Mutual Exclusion) for synchronization
Mutex() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.thread.Mutex
Create a new instance of Mutex
mutex - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.MutexTest
MUTEX - Static variable in class jhelp.util.thread.WaitingManager
For synchronize
MutexTest - Class in jhelp.util.thread
MutexTest() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.thread.MutexTest
MutexTest.TestThrhread - Class in jhelp.util.thread
MutexTest.TestThrhread(int) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.thread.MutexTest.TestThrhread