A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


SampleLabelJHelpImage - Class in jhelp.util.samples.common.gui
Label with a JHelpImage

SampleLabelJHelpImage() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Constructs LabelBufferedImage
SampleLabelJHelpImage(int, int) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Create a new instance of LabelBufferedImage with specified width and height
SampleLabelJHelpImage(JHelpImage) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Create a new instance of LabelJHelpImage with image
sampleLabelJHelpImage - Variable in class jhelp.util.samples.font.gui.JHelpFontSampleFrame
Swing component that carry the image
save(OutputStream) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpMask
Save the mask in a stream
saveImage(OutputStream, JHelpImage) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Save an image to a stream
Note : If the image is not in draw mode, all visible sprite will be consider as a part of the image
savePreferences() - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Save preferences
Scramble - Class in jhelp.util.list
Utilities for scramble

Last modification : 15 fevr. 2009
Version 0.0.0
Scramble() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.Scramble
scramble(ArrayList<T>) - Static method in class jhelp.util.list.Scramble
Scramble an array list
scramble(int[]) - Static method in class jhelp.util.list.Scramble
Scramble an array of integers
scramble(T[]) - Static method in class jhelp.util.list.Scramble
Scramble an array
scramble(Vector<T>) - Static method in class jhelp.util.list.Scramble
Scramble a vector
scramble2(int[]) - Static method in class jhelp.util.list.Scramble
Scramble an integer array
screenShot() - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Make a screen shot
searchBranch(Tree.TestFoundListener<INFORMATION>, Tree.SearchMode, boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Search a branch by its information
searchFrameParent(Component) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Search JFrame parent of a component
searchLeftToRightDepth(Tree.TestFoundListener<INFORMATION>) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Search a branch in left to right depth rule.
searchLeftToRightHigh(Tree.TestFoundListener<INFORMATION>) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Search a branch in left to right high rule.
searchRightToLeftDepth(Tree.TestFoundListener<INFORMATION>) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Search a branch in right to left depth rule.
searchRightToLeftHigh(Tree.TestFoundListener<INFORMATION>) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Search a branch in right to left high rule.
second - Variable in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Second part
secondFileFilter - Variable in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Second filter
SELECTED - Static variable in class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Selected color
selected - Variable in class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Selected state
separators - Variable in class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractor
Separators characters
serialize(Object, PreferenceType) - Static method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Serialize a value depends on PreferenceType
serialize() - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesSerializer
Serialize the preferences as soon as possible
serializeAgain - Variable in class jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesSerializer
Indicates if a new serialization is need
serializeBinary(ByteArray) - Method in interface jhelp.util.io.Binarizable
Write the binarizable information inside a byte array.
serializeBinary(ByteArray) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIOTest.TestBinarizable
serializing - Variable in class jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesSerializer
Indicates if we are in serializing
set(T) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationListIterator
Does nothing

Parent documentation:
set(int, TYPE) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ListFromArray
Modify a element of the list.
set - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.ThrowSet
Elements list
setAcceptDirectory(boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Change the accept directories value
setAllowUserInteraction(boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Set the value of the allowUserInteraction field of this URLConnection.
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Sets a specified timeout value, in milliseconds, to be used when opening a communications link to the resource referenced by this URLConnection.
setConstantsReferences(ConstantsReferences) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Function
Modify the constants reference
This reference says what variable name can be replace by constant, example : PI replace by 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
setDebugLevel(DebugLevel) - Static method in class jhelp.util.debug.Debug
Change debug level
setDefaultUseCaches(boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Sets the default value of the useCaches field to the specified value.
setDoInput(boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Sets the value of the doInput field for this URLConnection to the specified value.
setDoOutput(boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Sets the value of the doOutput field for this URLConnection to the specified value.
setFont(Font) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.TextCutter
Change current font
setHour(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Modify hour
setIfModifiedSince(long) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Sets the value of the ifModifiedSince field of this URLConnection to the specified value.
setInformation(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Modify information
setInteger(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIOTest.TestBinarizable
setJHelpImage(JHelpImage) - Method in class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Change the image to draw
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class jhelp.util.resources.ResourceText
Change the language
setMicrosecond(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Modify microsecond
setMillisecond(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Modify millisecond
setMinute(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Modify minute
setName(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Change image name
setName(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIOTest.TestBinarizable
setParent(JHelpImage) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Change parent image
setPosition(int, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Change sprite position
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Sets the read timeout to a specified timeout, in milliseconds.
setRequestProperty(String, String) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Sets the general request property.
setResult(Void) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesSerializer
Call when serialization is finish

Parent documentation:
Call when task is finish.
setResult(RESULT) - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadedTask
Call when task is finish.
setSecond(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Modify second
setSecondFileFilter(FileFilter) - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Modify secondFileFilter
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Change label selection state
setSpriteIndex(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Change sprite index
setText(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.xml.DynamicWriteXML
Append a text to current markup
setThreadElement(ThreadElement<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadActor
Define, if the thread is free, the actual task to do
setUseCaches(boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Sets the value of the useCaches field of this URLConnection to the specified value.
setValue(int, int, boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpMask
Change a pixel value
setValue(String, boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Define/change a boolean value
setValue(String, byte[]) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Define/change a byte[] value
setValue(String, File) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Define/change a File value
setValue(String, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Define/change a int value
setValue(String, String) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Define/change a String value
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Change sprite visibility
setWidth(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.TextCutter
Change maximum width
shift(int, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Shift (translate) the image
MUST be in draw mode
showLog(ProcessBuilder) - Static method in class jhelp.util.commands.JHelpCommands
sign() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Constant sign
sign(double) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Sign of a double.
sign(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Sign of an integer.
sign(long) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Sign of an integer.
simpleTest() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArrayTest
Do some simple tests
simpleTest() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayIntTest
Do some simple tests
simpleTest() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArrayTest
Simple tests
simpleTest() - Method in class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractorTest
Do some simple tests
simpleTestReturn() - Method in class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractorTest
Do some other simple tests
simplify(Addition, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
(f1 + f2) + f3 => f2 + (f1 + f3)
simplify(Constant, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
C1 + C2 => C3
simplify(Constant, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Simplify C + f
simplify(Function, Addition) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
f1 + (f2 + f3) => f3 + ( f2 + f1 )
simplify(Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
f + C => C + f
simplify(Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Tries to simplify the addition of 2 functions
simplify(Function, MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
f1 + (- f2) => f1 - f2
simplify(Function, Multiplication) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Try to simplify f1 + (f2 * f3)
simplify(Function, Subtraction) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
f1 + (f2 - f3) => (f2 + f1) - f3
simplify(Logarithm, Logarithm) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
ln(f1) + ln(f2) => ln(f1 * f2)
simplify(MinusUnary, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
(- f1) + f2 => f2 - f1
simplify(MinusUnary, MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
(- f1) + (- f2) => - (f1 + f2)
simplify(Multiplication, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Try to simplify (f1 * f2) + f3
simplify(Multiplication, Multiplication) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Try to simplify (f1 * f2) + (f3 * f4)
simplify(Subtraction, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
(f1 - f2) + f3 => (f3 - f2) + f1
simplify(Subtraction, Subtraction) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
(f1 - f2) + (f3 - f4) => (f1 + f3) - (f2 + f4)
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Simplify the addition

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify(Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Cosinus.CosinusSimplifier
Simplify cos(C)
simplify(Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Cosinus.CosinusSimplifier
Simplify cos(f)
simplify(MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Cosinus.CosinusSimplifier
Simplify cos(-f) -> cos(f)
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Cosinus.CosinusSimplifier
Simplify the function

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify(Constant, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify C1/C2 -> C3
simplify(Constant, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify C/f
simplify(Constant, Multiplication) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify C1/(C2*f) -> C3/f C1/(f*C2) -> C3/f C1/(f1*f2)
simplify(Cosinus, Sinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify cos(f)/sin(f) -> 1/tan(f)
simplify(Division, Division) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify (f1/f2)/(f3/f4) -> (f1*f4)/(f2*f3)
simplify(Division, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify (f1/f2)/f3 -> f1/(f2*f3)
simplify(Exponential, Exponential) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify ef1/ef2 -> ef1-f2
simplify(Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify f/C1 -> C2*f
simplify(Function, Division) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
f1/(f2/f3) -> (f1*f3)/f2
simplify(Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify f1/f2
simplify(Function, MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
f1/(-f2) -> -(f1/f2)
simplify(MinusUnary, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
(-f1)/f2 -> -(f1/f2)
simplify(MinusUnary, MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
(-f1)/-(f2) -> f1/f2
simplify(Multiplication, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
(f1*f2)/C1 -> C2*f1*f2
simplify(Sinus, Cosinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
sin(f)/cos(f) -> tan(f)
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify the division

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify(Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Exponential.ExponentialSimplifier
exp(C1) => C2
simplify(Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Exponential.ExponentialSimplifier
Simplify the exponential
simplify(Logarithm) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Exponential.ExponentialSimplifier
exp(ln(f)) => f
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Exponential.ExponentialSimplifier
Simplify the exponential

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Function.DefaultSimplifier
Simplify the function

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Function
Simplify the function
simplify() - Method in interface jhelp.util.math.formal.FunctionSimplifier
Call when simplify the function
simplify(Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Logarithm.LogarithmSimplifier
Simplification : ln(C1) -> C2
simplify(Exponential) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Logarithm.LogarithmSimplifier
Simplification : ln(exp(X)) -> X
simplify(Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Logarithm.LogarithmSimplifier
Simplification : ln(X) -> ln(X)
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Logarithm.LogarithmSimplifier
Simplify the logarithm function

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify(Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -C1 -> C2
simplify(Division) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : Function
- ( C1 / X )
C2 / X
- ( X / C1)
X / C2
- ( X / Y )
- ( X / Y )
simplify(Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -X -> -X
simplify(MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -(-X) -> X
simplify(Multiplication) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification :
- ( C1 * X )
C2 * X
- ( X * C1)
X * C2
- ( X * Y )
- ( X * Y )
simplify(Subtraction) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -(X-Y) -> Y-X
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification of the minus unary

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify(Constant, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification : C1*C2 -> C3
simplify(Constant, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification : C1*X -> C1*X
simplify(Constant, Multiplication) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification :
C1 * ( C2 * X )
C3 * X
C1 * ( X *C2 )
C3 * X
C1 * ( X * Y )
C1 * ( X * Y )
simplify(Division, Division) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification : (X/Y)*(Z/A) -> (X*Z)/(Y*A)
simplify(Division, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification : (X/Y)*Z -> (X*Z)/Y
simplify(Exponential, Exponential) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification : exp(X)*exp(Y) -> exp(X+Y)
simplify(Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification : X*C1 -> C1*X
simplify(Function, Division) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification : X*(Y/Z) -> (X*Z)/Z
simplify(Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification : X*Y -> Y*X
simplify(Function, MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification X*(-Y) -> -(X*Y)
simplify(MinusUnary, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification : (-X)*Y -> -(X*Y)
simplify(MinusUnary, MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification (-X)*(-Y) -> X*Y
simplify(Multiplication, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification :
( C1 * X ) * C2
C3 * X
( X * C1 ) * C2
C3 * X
C1 * ( X * Y )
C1 * ( X * Y )
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication.MultiplicationSimplifier
Simplification of the multiplication

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify(Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Sinus.SinusSimplifier
Simplification : sin(C1) -> C2
simplify(Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Sinus.SinusSimplifier
Simplification : sin(X) -> sin(X)
simplify(MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Sinus.SinusSimplifier
Simplification : sin(-X) -> -sin(X)
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Sinus.SinusSimplifier
Simplification of the sinus

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify(Addition, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
( X + Y ) - X
( X + Y ) - Y
( X + Y ) - Z
( X - Z ) + Y
simplify(Constant, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : C1-C2 -> C3
simplify(Constant, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : C1-X -> C1-X
simplify(Function, Addition) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
X - ( X + Y )
X - ( Y + X )
X - ( Y + Z )
( X - Y ) - Z
simplify(Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : X-C1 -> C2+X
simplify(Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
simplify(Function, MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : X-(-Y) -> X+Y
simplify(Function, Multiplication) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
X - ( X * C1 )
C2 * X
X - ( C1 * X )
C2 * X
X - ( Y * Z )
X - ( Y * Z )
simplify(Function, Subtraction) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : X-(Y-Z) -> X+(Z-Y)
simplify(Logarithm, Logarithm) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : ln(X)-ln(Y) -> ln(X/Y)
simplify(MinusUnary, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : (-X)-Y -> -(X+Y)
simplify(MinusUnary, MinusUnary) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : (-X)-(-Y) -> Y-X
simplify(Multiplication, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
( X * C1) - X
C2 * X
( C1 * X ) - X
C2 * X
( X * Y ) - Z
( X * Y ) - Z
simplify(Multiplication, Multiplication) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
(C1 * X ) - ( C2 * X )
C3 * X
(C1 * X ) - ( X * C2 )
C3 * X
( X * C1 ) - ( C2 * X )
C3 * X
( X * C1 ) - ( X * C2 )
C3 * X
(C1 * X ) -  X
C2 * X

( X * C1 ) -  X
C2 * X
X - (C1 * X )
C2 * X
X - ( X * C1 ) 
C2 * X
( cos(X) * cos(Y) ) - ( sin(X) * sin(Y) )
cos(X + Y)
( cos(X) * sin(Y) ) - ( sin(X) * cos(Y) )
sin(X - Y)
( sin(Y) * cos(X)  ) - ( sin(X) * cos(Y) )
sin(X - Y)
( cos(X) * sin(Y) ) - (  cos(Y) * sin(X) )
sin(X - Y)
(  sin(Y)*cos(X) ) - (  cos(Y) * sin(X) )
sin(X - Y)
( sin(X) * sin(Y) ) - ( cos(X) * cos(Y) )
-cos(X + Y)
(X1 * ...
simplify(Subtraction, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : (X-Y)-Z -> (X-Z)-Y
simplify(Subtraction, Subtraction) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : (X-Y)-(Z-A) -> (X-Z)+(A-Y)
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplify the subtraction

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify(Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Tangent.TangentSimplifier
tan(C1) => C2
simplify(Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Tangent.TangentSimplifier
Simplify the tangent
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Tangent.TangentSimplifier
Simplify the tangent

Parent documentation:
Call when simplify the function
simplify() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Variable.VariableSimplifier
Do the simplification.
simplifyAdditionOfMultiplcations(Cosinus, Cosinus, Sinus, Sinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Tries to simplify (cos(f1) * cos(f2)) + (sin(f3) * sin(f4))
simplifyAdditionOfMultiplcations(Cosinus, Sinus, Cosinus, Sinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Tries to simplify (cos(f1) * sin(f2)) + (c(f3) * sin(f4))
simplifyAdditionOfMultiplcations(Cosinus, Sinus, Sinus, Cosinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Tries to simplify (cos(f1) * sin(f2)) + (sin(f3) * cos(f4))
simplifyAdditionOfMultiplcations(Function, Function, Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Tries to simplify (f1 * f2) + (f3 * f4)
simplifyAdditionOfMultiplcations(Sinus, Cosinus, Cosinus, Sinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Tries to simplify (sin(f1) * cos(f2)) + (cos(f3) * sin(f4))
simplifyAdditionOfMultiplcations(Sinus, Cosinus, Sinus, Cosinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Tries to simplify (sin(f1) * cos(f2)) + (sin(f3) * cos(f4))
simplifyAdditionOfMultiplcations(Sinus, Sinus, Cosinus, Cosinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Tries to simplify (sin(f1) * sin(f2)) + (cos(f3) * cos(f4))
simplifyAdditonOfMultiplicationAndFunction(Function, Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition.AdditionSimplifier
Tries to simplify (f1 * f2) + f3
simplifyDivision(Constant, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -(C1/X) -> C2 / x
simplifyDivision(Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -(X/C1) -> X/C2
simplifyDivision(Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -(X/Y) -> -(X/Y)
simplifyDivisionOfConstantMultiplication(Constant, Constant, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
C1/(C2*f) -> C3/f
simplifyDivisionOfConstantMultiplication(Constant, Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
C1/(f*C2) -> C3/f
simplifyDivisionOfConstantMultiplication(Constant, Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify C/(f1*f2)
simplifyDivisionOfMultiplicationConstant(Constant, Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
(C1*f)/C2 -> C3*f
simplifyDivisionOfMultiplicationConstant(Function, Constant, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
(f*C1)/C2 -> C3*f
simplifyDivisionOfMultiplicationConstant(Function, Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division.DivisionSimplifier
Simplify (f1*f2)/C
simplifyMaximum() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Function
Simplify at maximum the function
simplifyMaximum(PrintStream) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Function
Simplify at maximum the function on printing each steps
simplifyMultipleMultiplication(Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification : (X1 * ... * Xn * C1 * Y1 * ... * Ym) - (X1 * ... * Xn * C2 * Y1 * ... * Ym) -> C3 * X1 * ... * Xn * Y1 * ... * Ym
simplifyMultiplication(Constant, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -(C1*X) -> C2*X
simplifyMultiplication(Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -(X*C1) -> C2*X
simplifyMultiplication(Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary.MinusUnarySimplifier
Simplification : -(X*Y) -> -(X*Y)
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Constant, Function, Constant, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
(C1 * X ) - ( C2 * X )
C3 * X
(C1 * X ) - ( C2 * Y )
(C1 * X ) - ( C2 * Y )
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Constant, Function, Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
(C1 * X ) - ( X * C2 )
C3 * X
(C1 * X ) - ( Y * C2 )
(C1 * X ) - ( C2 * Y )
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Cosinus, Cosinus, Sinus, Sinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
(cos(f1)*cos(f2))-(sin(f1)*sin(f2)) => cos(f1+f2)
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Cosinus, Sinus, Cosinus, Sinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
((cos(f1)*sin(f2))-(cos(f2)*sin(f1)) => sin(f1-f2)
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Cosinus, Sinus, Sinus, Cosinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
((cos(f1)*sin(f2))-(sin(f1)*cos(f2)) => sin(f1-f2)
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Function, Constant, Constant, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
(X * C1 ) - (C2 * X )
C3 * X
(X * C1 ) - (C2 * Y )
(C1 * X ) - ( C2 * Y )
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Function, Constant, Function, Constant) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
Simplification :
(X * C1 ) - ( X * C2 )
C3 * X
(X * C1 ) - ( Y * C2 )
(C1 * X ) - ( C2 * Y )
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Function, Function, Function, Function) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
(f1*f2)-(f3*f4) => (f1*f2)-(f3*f4)
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Sinus, Cosinus, Cosinus, Sinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
(sin(f1)*cos(f2))-(cos(f1)*sin(f2)) => sin(f1-f2)
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Sinus, Cosinus, Sinus, Cosinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
(sin(f1)*cos(f2))-(sin(f2)*cos(f1)) => sin(f1-f2)
simplifySubtractionOfMultiplications(Sinus, Sinus, Cosinus, Cosinus) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
(sin(f1)*sin(f2))-(cos(f1)*cos(f2)) => -cos(f1+f2)
simplifyTests(String) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.UseExample
Parse the string and show each step of simplification
simulateKeyPress(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Simulate a key press
simulateKeyRelease(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Simulate a key release
simulateMousePress(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Simulate a mouse press
simulateMouseRelease(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Simulate a mouse release
simulateReleasedPressed(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Simulate a release then press mouse button
Sinus - Class in jhelp.util.math.formal

Sinus(Function) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.math.formal.Sinus
Constructs the sinus
Sinus.SinusSimplifier - Class in jhelp.util.math.formal
Sinus simplifier
Sinus.SinusSimplifier() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.math.formal.Sinus.SinusSimplifier
sinusSimplifier - Variable in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Sinus
Sinus simplifier
size - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Actual bounding box area
size - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpRichText.CacheImageElement
Image desired size
size - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Actual size
size - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Actual size
size() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ListFromArray
List size

Parent documentation:
size() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.QueuePriority
Queue size
size - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.QueueSynchronized
Queue size
size() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.QueueSynchronized
Queue size
size - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Actual array size
size - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.StackInt
Stack size
size() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ThrowSet
Set size
size - Variable in class jhelp.util.samples.font.gui.JHelpFontSampleFrame
Actual font size
skip(long) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64InputStream
Skip some bytes

Parent documentation:
skip(long) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray.InternalInputStream
Skip a number of bytes

Parent documentation:
skip(long) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Skip a number of bytes
skip(long) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.InputStreamCopy
Skip several bytes.
skip(long) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.StringInputStream
Skip a number of bytes

Parent documentation:
sleep(long) - Static method in class jhelp.util.Utilities
Make thread call it sleep for specified time in milliseconds
SMILEY_HAPPY - Static variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Character unicode for the smiley :)
SMILEY_SAD - Static variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Character unicode for the smiley :(
softReference - Variable in class jhelp.util.cache.CacheElement
Hide reference
sort() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Sort the array.
sortBranches(Comparator<INFORMATION>) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Sort branches of the tree
sorted - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Indicates if array is sorted
SortedArray<TYPE> - Class in jhelp.util.list
Array of sorted element.
SortedArray(Class<TYPE>) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Create a new instance of SortedArray in not unique mode.
SortedArray(Class<TYPE>, boolean) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Create a new instance of SortedArray.
SortedArray(Class<TYPE>, Comparator<TYPE>) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Create a new instance of SortedArray in not unique mode.
SortedArray(Class<TYPE>, Comparator<TYPE>, boolean) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Create a new instance of SortedArray.
SortedArray(Class<TYPE>, Comparator<TYPE>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Create a new instance of SortedArray.
SortedArray.ComparatorNatural<ELEMENT> - Class in jhelp.util.list
Comparator for "natural order" of Comparable
SortedArray.ComparatorNatural() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray.ComparatorNatural
SortedArrayTest - Class in jhelp.util.list
Test of SortedArray
SortedArrayTest() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.SortedArrayTest
sortUniq() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Sort array in unique mode.
spinnerSize - Variable in class jhelp.util.samples.font.gui.JHelpFontSampleFrame
Spinner for change size
spriteIndex - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Sprite index in the parent
sprites - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
List of sprite
stack - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.StackInt
Stack itself
StackInt - Class in jhelp.util.list
Stack of integer.
StackInt() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.StackInt
Create a new instance of StackInt
StackInt(int) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.list.StackInt
Create a new instance of StackInt
start() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpAnimatedImage
Start the animation, or restart the animation from the start
startDrawMode() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Start the draw mode
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesParser
Call by parser when a markup open

Parent documentation:
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class jhelp.util.resources.ParserXMLText
Called each time a markup start

Parent documentation:
startMeasure() - Static method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Start measure
state - Variable in class jhelp.util.stateMachine.StateMachine
Actual playing state
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jhelp.util.samples.font.gui.JHelpFontSampleFrame
Called when user change the value of the size spinner

Parent documentation:
StateMachine - Class in jhelp.util.stateMachine
For manage a state machine.
StateMachine() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.stateMachine.StateMachine
Create a new instance of StateMachine
StateMachine(int) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.stateMachine.StateMachine
Create a new instance of StateMachine
status - Variable in class jhelp.util.xml.DynamicWriteXML
Current status
STATUS_HAVE_TO_OPEN_MARKUP - Static variable in class jhelp.util.xml.DynamicWriteXML
Status indicate that a markup have to be open
STATUS_MARKUP_CLOSED - Static variable in class jhelp.util.xml.DynamicWriteXML
Status indicates that a markup just be closed
STATUS_MARKUP_OPENED - Static variable in class jhelp.util.xml.DynamicWriteXML
Status indicates that a markup is open
STATUS_TERMINATE - Static variable in class jhelp.util.xml.DynamicWriteXML
Status indicates that all is finsish
STATUS_TEXT_WRITEN - Static variable in class jhelp.util.xml.DynamicWriteXML
Status indicates that a text just writen
step - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64InputStream
Current step
step - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64OutputStream
current step
STEP_1 - Static variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64InputStream
First step
STEP_1 - Static variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64OutputStream
First step
STEP_2 - Static variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64InputStream
Second step
STEP_2 - Static variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64OutputStream
Second step
STEP_3 - Static variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64InputStream
Third step
STEP_3 - Static variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64OutputStream
Third step
STEP_END - Static variable in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64InputStream
Final step
stop() - Static method in class jhelp.util.MemorySweeper
Stop sweeping, can be restart with MemorySweeper.launch()
STOP_ACTION - Static variable in class jhelp.util.MemorySweeper
Stop action
stopActor() - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadActor
Stop the actor
stopThread(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadActor
Stop the thread carry if it is the one who have the given ID
storeFileList(File...) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.ClipBoardManager
Store file list in clip board
storeFileList(List<File>) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.ClipBoardManager
Store a file list
storeString(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.ClipBoardManager
Store string in clip board
STRING - Static variable in class jhelp.util.samples.font.gui.JHelpFontSampleFrame
Text for test
string - Variable in class jhelp.util.text.StringCutter
String to cut
string - Variable in class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractor
String to parse
StringCutter - Class in jhelp.util.text
Cut a string in several part with a separator character
StringCutter(String, char) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.text.StringCutter
Create a new instance of StringCutter
StringExtractor - Class in jhelp.util.text
Cut string with separator, like StringTokenizer, but in addition it can detect Strings and not cut on them, it can also ignore escaped character.
StringExtractor(String) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractor
Create a new instance of StringExtractor with default separators (see UtilText.DEFAULT_SEPARATORS), string delimiters (see UtilText.DEFAULT_STRING_LIMITERS) and escape characters (see UtilText.DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS).
StringExtractor(String, boolean) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractor
Create a new instance of StringExtractor with default separators (see UtilText.DEFAULT_SEPARATORS), string delimiters (see UtilText.DEFAULT_STRING_LIMITERS) and escape characters (see UtilText.DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS)
StringExtractor(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractor
Create a new instance of StringExtractor with no return separators
StringExtractor(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractor
Create a new instance of StringExtractor
StringExtractorTest - Class in jhelp.util.text
StringExtractorTest() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractorTest
StringInputStream - Class in jhelp.util.io
Stream for read a String
StringInputStream(String) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.io.StringInputStream
Create a new instance of StringInputStream
stringLimiters - Variable in class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractor
String delimiters
StringOutputStream - Class in jhelp.util.io
Stream for write in a String
StringOutputStream() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.io.StringOutputStream
Create a new instance of StringOutputStream
stringSize(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Compute size of a string
stringWidth(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Compute string width
subList(int, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ListFromArray
Extract a sub list from the list

Parent documentation:
substract(LapsTime, LapsTime, LapsTime) - Static method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Subtract two laps time.
subtract(JHelpImage) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Subtract the image by an other one
Note : if the given image is not in draw mode, all of it's visible sprite will be consider like a part of the given image
Given image MUST have same dimension of this
MUST be in draw mode
subtract(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Subtract 2 complex
subtract(Complex) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Subtract with an other complex
subtract(Rational, Rational) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Subtract 2 rational
subtract(Rational) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
Subtract an other rational
Subtraction - Class in jhelp.util.math.formal

Subtraction(Function, Function) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction
Constructs the Subtraction
Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier - Class in jhelp.util.math.formal
Subtraction simplifier
Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier() - Constructor for class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction.SubtractionSimplifier
subtractionSimplifier - Variable in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction
Simplifier linked
symbol - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpRichText.Symbol
Symbol associated
symbols - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpRichText
Registered associations
SYMBOLS_NAMES - Static variable in class jhelp.util.math.formal.ConstantsReferencesDefault
Symbols name
SYMBOLS_NUMBER - Static variable in class jhelp.util.math.formal.ConstantsReferencesDefault
Actual number of symbol define
SYMBOLS_VALUES - Static variable in class jhelp.util.math.formal.ConstantsReferencesDefault
Value of symbols
symplifyTest(String, String) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.FunctionTest
Simplify test