A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


get(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.cache.Cache
Obtain an element
get(String, CacheElement<ELEMENT>) - Method in class jhelp.util.cache.Cache
Obtain an element and give a default value if key is not already present
get(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ListFromArray
Obtain an element from the list

Parent documentation:
get() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Ring
Current element or null if ring is empty
get(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.VariableList
Obtain a variable from list
getAllowUserInteraction() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the allowUserInteraction field for this object.
getAlreadyKnown(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.EmptyClassLoader
Get class if already known
getAngle() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Complex angle : θ in r ei θ
getAnimationFrames() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpAnimatedImage
List of animations
getAnimatonMode() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpAnimatedImage
Animation mode
getArgument(String) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Function
Give the "parameter" of the string
getArrayLevel(Class<?>) - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.EmptyClassLoader
Array level of a class
getArrayValue(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Get a byte[] from preferences
getBranch(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Obtain a branch
getBranches() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
List of branches
getCharContent(boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.compiler.JavaSourceFromString
Source code
getCode() - Method in class jhelp.util.compiler.Compiler.NameCode
Return code
getColor() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradientHorizontal.Percent
Step color
getColor() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradientVertical.Percent
Step color
getColorDownLeft() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Down left corner color
getColorDownRight() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Down right corner color
getColorUpLeft() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Up left corner color
getColorUpRight() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Up right corner color
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns setting for connect timeout.
getContent() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Retrieves the contents of this URL connection.
getContent(Class[]) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Retrieves the contents of this URL connection.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the content-encoding header field.
getContentLength() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the content-length header field.
getContentType() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the content-type header field.
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Addition
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Constant
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Cosinus
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Division
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Exponential
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Function
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Logarithm
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.MinusUnary
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Multiplication
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Sinus
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Subtraction
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Tangent
Copy the function
getCopy() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Variable
Copy the function
getCurrentIndex() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.IndexedInputStream
Current index (Number of bytes actually read)
getDate() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the date header field.
getDebugLevel() - Static method in class jhelp.util.debug.Debug
Actual debug level
getDefaultUseCaches() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the default value of a URLConnection's useCaches flag.
getDenominator() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
getDescription() - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Filter description
getDoInput() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of this URLConnection's doInput flag.
getDoOutput() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of this URLConnection's doOutput flag.
getElement() - Method in class jhelp.util.cache.CacheElement
Obtain the element
getElement(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Give an element of the array
getExpiration() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the expires header field.
getExtention(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Get an extention in the filter
getFamily() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Font family
getFile() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.FileImageInformation
Image file
getFileValue(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Get file from preferences
getFixedSize() - Method in interface jhelp.util.gui.WithFixedSize
The fixed dimension
getFixedSize() - Method in class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Give the label size

Parent documentation:
The fixed dimension
getFrameParent(Container) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Obtain frame parent of a container
getGroupNames() - Method in class jhelp.util.post.PostOffice
Set of actual groups
getGroupsFor(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.post.PostOffice
Give the list where the user is in
getHeader() - Method in enum jhelp.util.debug.DebugLevel
getHeaderField(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value for the nth header field.
getHeaderField(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the named header field.
getHeaderFieldDate(String, long) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the named field parsed as date.
getHeaderFieldInt(String, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the named field parsed as a number.
getHeaderFieldKey(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the key for the nth header field.
getHeaderFields() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns an unmodifiable Map of the header fields.
getHeight() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.GIF
Image height
getHeight() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Font height
getHeight() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Image height
getHeight() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpMask
Mask height
getHeight() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Sprite height
getHeight() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpTextLine
Part height
getHeight() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.FileImageInformation
Image height
getHour() - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Return hour
getID() - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadElement
Thread element ID
getIfModifiedSince() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of this object's ifModifiedSince field.
getImage(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.GIF
Get a image
getImage() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Image for draw in graphics environment
getImage() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Image for draw on the sprite
getImaginary() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Complex imaginary part : b in a + i b
getIndex(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64Common
Index of a symbol
getIndex(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Index of an integer or -1 if integer not in the array.
getIndexInTrunk() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Compute the index of this tree in its trunk parent.
getIndexSupposeSorted(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Index of an integer or -1 if integer not in the array.
getInformation() - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Return information
getInformation() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Carried information
getInputStream() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Input stream for read
getInputStream() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns an input stream that reads and copy the reading in the file in same time from this open connection.
getInteger() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIOTest.TestBinarizable
getInteger(int) - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Obtain an integer from the array
getJHelpImage() - Method in class jhelp.util.samples.common.gui.SampleLabelJHelpImage
Image to draw
getLastModified() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the last-modified header field.
getLength() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Complex length : r in r ei θ
getLevel() - Method in enum jhelp.util.debug.DebugLevel
getLocale() - Method in class jhelp.util.resources.ResourceText
Actual locale
getLocationOn(Component, Component) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Give the relative of a component for an other one
getMainTrunk() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Get tree main trunk.
getMask() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpTextLine
Mask to use
getMembers(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.post.PostOffice
Give the list of the members of a group
getMicrosecond() - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Return microsecond
getMillisecond() - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Return millisecond
getMinute() - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Return minute
getName() - Method in class jhelp.util.compiler.Compiler.NameCode
Return name
getName() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Image name
getName() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIOTest.TestBinarizable
getName() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Variable
Variable name
getName() - Method in class jhelp.util.post.User
User name
getNextElement() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationIterator
Next element
getNextElement() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationListIterator
Next element
getNumerator() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational
getOuterType() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIOTest.TestBinarizable
getOutputStream() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Output stream for write
getOutputStream() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns an output stream that writes to this connection.
getParameter() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.UnaryOperator
The parameter
getParameter(String, Attributes) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.PreferencesParser
Get a parameter value
getParameter1() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.BinaryOperator
First parameter in binary operation
getParameter2() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.BinaryOperator
Second parameter in binary operation
getParent() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
The sprite parent.
getPercent() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradientHorizontal.Percent
Step percent
getPercent() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradientVertical.Percent
Step percent
getPermission() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns a permission object representing the permission necessary to make the connection represented by this object.
getPreferenceType(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Obtain the type of a preference
getReadTimeout() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns setting for read timeout. 0 return implies that the option is disabled (i.e., timeout of infinity).
getReal() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.complex.Complex
Complex real part : a in a + i b
getReferentielConstanteCourant() - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.ConstantsReferencesDefault
Create default constant reference
getRequestProperties() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns an unmodifiable Map of general request properties for this connection.
getRequestProperty(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of the named general request property for this connection.
getResource(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.JHelpClassLoader
URL for a resources
getResource(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.JHelpJarClassLoader
Get URL for a resource
getResource() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpRichText.Symbol
Image resource name associated
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.JHelpClassLoader
Get resource as stream for read
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.JHelpJarClassLoader
Get stream for read a resource
getResources(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.JHelpClassLoader
List of resources of same name
getResources(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.JHelpJarClassLoader
Get all resources with same name
getRootType(Class<?>) - Method in class jhelp.util.classLoader.EmptyClassLoader
Root type of a class
getScreenBounds(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Give bounds of a screen
getScreenIdentifier(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Screen identifier
getSecond() - Method in class jhelp.util.time.LapsTime
Return second
getSecondFileFilter() - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Return secondFileFilter
getSize() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpFont
Font size
getSize() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.ByteArray
Array size
getSize() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.ArrayInt
Array size
getSize() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.SortedArray
Actual array size
getSize() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.StackInt
Stack size
getSpriteIndex() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Sprite index
getState() - Method in class jhelp.util.stateMachine.StateMachine
Actual state
getString() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.StringOutputStream
The written read string
getSymbol() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpRichText.Symbol
Associated symbol
getSymbol(int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.io.base64.Base64Common
Obtain a symbol
getText() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpTextLine
Text carry
getText(String) - Method in class jhelp.util.resources.ResourceText
Obtain a text
getTimeToAct() - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadElement
Time when do the task
getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JavaFileSelection
Return the data associated to a flavor type
getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JavaFileSelection
Supported flavor list
getTrunk() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Trunk parent
getURL() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of this URLConnection's URL field.
getUseCaches() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.URLConnectionCopy
Returns the value of this URLConnection's useCaches field.
getUserNames() - Method in class jhelp.util.post.PostOffice
List of registered users
getValue(int, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpMask
Indicates if a pixel in on
getValue(String, boolean) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Get a boolean value from preferences
getValue(String, int) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Get a int value from preferences
getValue(String, String) - Method in class jhelp.util.preference.Preferences
Get a String value from preferences
getWidth() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.GIF
Image width
getWidth() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Image width
getWidth() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpMask
Mask width
getWidth() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Sprite width
getWidth() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpTextLine
Part width
getWidth() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.TextCutter
Maximum width in pixels
getWidth() - Method in class jhelp.util.io.FileImageInformation
Image width
getX() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
X position
getX() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpTextLine
X location
getXmlReferencePathHeader() - Method in class jhelp.util.resources.ResourceText
Path of default XML, without .xml
getY() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpSprite
Y position
getY() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpTextLine
Y location
GIF - Class in jhelp.util.gui
GIF image

Last modification : 4 avr. 2009
Version 0.0.0
GIF(InputStream) - Constructor for class jhelp.util.gui.GIF
Constructs GIF
GIFReader - Static variable in class jhelp.util.gui.GIF
GIF image reader
giveMessage - Variable in class jhelp.util.post.PostOffice
Deliver message to user in separate thread
GRAPHICS_DEVICES - Static variable in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
List of graphics devices
GRAPHICS_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Current graphics environment
gray() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Convert image in gray version
MUST be on draw mode
grayInvert() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Convert image in gray invert version
MUST be on draw mode
greaterCommonDivisor(int, int) - Static method in class jhelp.util.math.UtilMath
Compute the Greater Common Divisor of two integers.
green - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.Color
Color green
greenDownLeft - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Green value of down left corner
greenDownRight - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Green value of down right corner
greenUpLeft - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Green value of up left corner
greenUpRight - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpGradient
Green value of up right corner
groups - Variable in class jhelp.util.post.PostOffice
Groups map