A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


name - Variable in class jhelp.util.compiler.Compiler.NameCode
Class name
name - Variable in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpImage
Image name
name - Variable in class jhelp.util.io.UtilIOTest.TestBinarizable
name - Variable in class jhelp.util.math.formal.Variable
Variable name
name - Variable in class jhelp.util.post.User
User name
name - Variable in class jhelp.util.time.TimeDebug.TimeInfo
Information name
nearFull() - Method in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadManager
Indicates if thread manager is near full.
newInstance(Class<?>) - Static method in class jhelp.util.reflection.Reflector
Try create an instance of a class.
newInstance(String) - Static method in class jhelp.util.reflection.Reflector
Try create an instance of a class.
newInstance(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jhelp.util.reflection.Reflector
Try create an instance of a class.
next() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationIterator
Next element
next() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationListIterator
Next element
next - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.Queue.Element
Next element
next - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.QueueSynchronized.Link
Next link
next - Variable in class jhelp.util.list.Ring.Element
Next ring element
next() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Ring
Pass to next element
next() - Method in class jhelp.util.text.StringCutter
Give the next part or null ifno more part to read
next() - Method in class jhelp.util.text.StringExtractor
Next extracted string.
nextElement() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationIterator
Next element
nextElement() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationListIterator
Next element
nextId - Static variable in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadElement
Next thread element ID
nextIndex() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.EnumerationListIterator
Next index
Parent documentation:
nextTime() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.JHelpAnimatedImage
Signal to animation that one unit of time passed, and refresh the image if need
number - Variable in class jhelp.util.thread.MutexTest.TestThrhread
NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_THREAD - Static variable in class jhelp.util.thread.ThreadManager
Number of maximum thread running in same time (If you change this number, I advice to not go under 8, and if you choose a high value, you may notice a slow or out of memory.
numberMaxOfWaitingState - Variable in class jhelp.util.stateMachine.StateMachine
Maximum number of waiting state in queue
numberOfBranch() - Method in class jhelp.util.list.Tree
Number branch of the tree
numberOfExtentions() - Method in class jhelp.util.filter.FileFilter
Number of extentions
numberOfImage() - Method in class jhelp.util.gui.GIF
Number of images
numberOfScreen() - Static method in class jhelp.util.gui.UtilGUI
Number of screen
numberOfVariables() - Method in class jhelp.util.math.formal.VariableList
Number of variable inside the list
numerator - Variable in class jhelp.util.math.rational.Rational